Wednesday, December 11, 2019

New research says 2-page resumes are actually preferred by recruiters

New research says 2-page resumes are actually preferred by recruitersNew research says 2-page resumes are actually preferred by recruitersContrary to conventional wisdom, your resume can, in fact, be longer than a single page, new research from ResumeGo finds. The resume-writing service presented one- and two-page resumes to 482 job recruiters, hiring managers, human resource professionals, and executives and found that they were more than twice as likely to pick the longer resume in a simulated hiring process.Two-page resumes are twice as likely to get chosenOut of the 7,712 resumes that participants preferred in the hiring process, 5,375 of the resumes were two pages long. The preference increased the higher your position you were applying for two-page resumes were 1.4 times more likely to get picked withentry-level jobs and 2.9 times more likely to get picked with managerial roles.Recruiters actually will take the time to get to the second page. The hiring group also spent twice a s much time reading longer resumes, spending aboutfour minutes on two-page resumes, compared with about two minutes on one-page resumes. Its possible that this preference is unbeknownst to the recruiters themselves, who may be unaware of their own tendency of favoring longer resumes, ResumeGo said in a statement.

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