Monday, December 30, 2019

A Look at The UX Careers Handbook

A Look at The UX Careers HandbookA Look at The UX Careers HandbookWhile there have been many books written about user experience (UX) methods, the topic of UX careers hasnt seen as much discussion. Noted UX expert Cory Lebson of Lebsontech LLC is changing that with The UX Careers Handbook, which features concrete tips and techniques for improving UX careers, a review of different kinds of UX careers, a guide to navigating the UX career lifecycle, tips for hiring managers and more.A photograph of a colorful variety of cheesecake slices might not seem like an obvious pick for the cover of The UX Careers Handbook, but theres a good reason for that selection. It represents choice. According to author Cory Lebson - a regular contributor to top UX publications - there are many UX career pathways to pick from today.A key premise of the book is that UX represents an umbrella concept that encompasses a number of careers, Lebson told us. As such, critical skills related to UX methods are goi ng to vary based on the specific UX profession that were talking about.While UX is often associated with interaction design, Lebson highlights an array of other UX disciplines, including user research and evaluation, information architecture, content strategy, technical communication, visual design, accessibility, customer experience and others.Advice for budding UX professionals?Lebson believes certain soft skills are essential for any UX professional, including truly caring about the needs of the people who use the products and services they create, curiosity and creative problem solving abilities. Adaptability is also imperative as technology continues to evolve. But when it comes to professional training, the diversity of UX careers means theres no universal skillset. For example, a user researcher needs to have skills related to rational scientific reasoning combined with the desire for exploration, while a visual designer needs artistic skills combined with creativity, Lebson notes.Aspiring UX professionals enter from many walks of life, from students in formal academic programs to tenured creative professionals looking to move into the UX world. In many cases this means gaining experience and knowledge through professional development.There are a number of programs out there where people who want to transition into UX can take intensive training courses after work for several weeks or longer, Lebson says. In those training programs, there are often group projects that can initially be used in a portfolio. Once someone has basic UX knowledge, they can also offer to do UX work pro bono for their favorite local charitable organization with the caveat that they can use all of it in their portfolio.Established professionals might also be able to make the case that some of their creative work is already applicable to UX. Sometimes its a matter of putting a spin on the experience, Lebson says. For example, copywriters might be able to make the case that their experience is UX-related, particularly if they articulate that they understood the needs of the end user and applied UX principles to make their content more usable. Even a social media manager could make the case about how they used their social media skills to enhance product usability. This could potentially provide a foot in the door, and then once the door is open they could branch out to other areas of UX, learning as they go and accumulating UX work samples for their portfolio.Lebson advises job seekers for any UX profession to focus on creating a killer resume and a portfolio that tells one or more stories. A portfolio shouldnt just be a collection of work samples, Lebson says. It should also tell the story of the project, the individuals specific role in that project and how the candidate applied UX skills in a way that ultimately helped improve experiences.Lebson adds that participation in organizations such as UXPA can be extremely valuable to a UX professionals career. H e suggests getting on mailing lists and attending as many conferences and trainings as possible, whether they are national events or local UX meetups.Think of it like learning a foreign language with an online learning tool versus going to the country where that language is spoken and immersing yourself in the language and culture, Lebson says. Not only do you get to learn about cool UX topics, but youre also surrounded by UX peers. That networking and those conversations provide additional learning and broaden your UX perspective and knowledge.Tips for employers hiring UX professionalsThe UX Careers Handbook also includes advice for employers looking to hire UX professionals. Lebson notes that many companies make the mistake of seeking a single candidate that can do it all.Employers shouldnt be looking for a unicorn, though they often are, he says. Its more critical to determine what areas of expertise are most important to the position, and then look for UX professionals who match those areas of expertise.Hiring managers should also pay attention to the aforementioned nontechnical skills. An adaptable, team-oriented attitude is critical, as is the ability to communicate well and to tell a story, Lebson says.When asked what the future holds, Lebson says designers and other UX pros must strive to stay current and remain flexible. While technology will continue to change, and methods will continue to evolve, the same skills that are needed now will continue to be important in the short and long term knowing how to illustrate interactions and interactivity between parts of a system, but also the ability to explain those interactions in a clear and justifiable way, Lebson says.Ready to apply for a job in UX? Read our post on interview tips for UX professionals now

Thursday, December 26, 2019

3 Resume Writing Lessons from Shakespeare

3 Resume Writing Lessons from Shakespeare 3 Resume Writing Lessons from Shakespeare There are resume writing tips all over the web, but thats leid the only source available. You can find resume writing tips in daily life, and also in some unexpected places- for instance, from reading William Shakespeare.This week, we have three lessons you can take from Shakespeares works and apply to your resume.BrevityTherefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,I will be brief. Hamlet (2.2).Rambling (which the character who says this typically does) is not an effective way to communicate. Being clear and direct is the best way to get your point across. This is especially true for resumes, because you have a limited amount of time in which to make a good impression on a recruiter or hiring manager.The limbs and outward flourishes in this case are unnecessary words, excess information, and jargon that distract from the most important parts of your resu me. A short resume is more effective than a long one. If your resume reads more like a detailed autobiography and less like a concise and targeted document that quickly makes the case for you as a candidate for a specific job, then its time to start editing.HonestyMy thoughts and my discourse as madmens are,At random from the truth vainly expressd. Sonnet 147.In other words Im thinking and talking like a crazy person, and speaking lies. In this sonnet, Shakespeare is so consumed by feelings for his mistress that he twists reality, and lies to himself, to justify what he wants.Lying on your resume is one of the worst things you can possibly do. But job seekers have done similar things to what Shakespeare does in this sonnet- they see a job and want it so much that they lie on their resume to look like a better candidate.According to Miriam Salpeter, a contributing writer for, there are four main types of lies people use on their resumes lies about past employers, lies of omission, half-truths, and embellishments.It goes without saying that lying on your resume is wrong, and in this case, Shakespeare provides a stark example of how unhealthy it is to try to change the truth to suit what you want.TimingBetter three hours too soon than a minute too late. The Merry Wives of Windsor (2.2).Getting your application in soon after a job is posted can dramatically increase your chances of landing the job.Job seekers underestimate the importance of being at the front of the hiring line, according to Chris Forman, the CEO and co-founder of StartWire.A StartWire study of more than 6,000 hires showed that 27% of those hired applied within the first two days of a job being posted, and almost 50% of those hired applied within the first week.Spending days perfecting your resume might hurt your chances more than it helps. Especially considering the sheer volume of candidates for each job posting, it typically doesnt take long for the recruiter or hiring manager to ga ther a list of top candidates to begin the interview process. If you dont make it onto that list, youre likely out of luck- chances are that, once the process has begun, they wont go back to look at additional applications that come in.Resume writing isnt always an easy task. So how can you get your resume ready to go quickly? One tip is to keep a career management document (or master resume) and update it regularly.The other is to paste the text of your resume and the text of the job description into Jobscans resume analysis tool. Youll get instant feedback on how well your resume is targeted for the job, plus suggestions on what you can do to improve it. Jobscan makes it easy to tailor your resume quickly, making it possible for you to get your application in early- thus improving your chances at landing the job.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

3 Secrets of People Who Love Their Jobs

3 Secrets of People Who Love Their Jobs3 Secrets of People Who Love Their JobsUnicorns, leprechauns, Mileidaur, jackalope, and people who love their jobs. If your first thought is, things that dont exist, I wouldnt blame you. The idea of loving your job may seem like lore pulled from an ancient book of mythology. The truth is, though, people who love their jobs arent unicorns. But they do share some traits that make them special- and help them love what they do. If youre ready to make your career the stuff legends are made of, here are a few things career heroes have in common that you can start working into your own professional story now.1. Theyre Comfortable With FailureEmbracing failure is a popular concept for good reason. Every person who has made their mark professionally- and loves what they do- has failed epically somewhere along the way. Why? Because, when theyre looking for change or growth in their career, or when somethings not working, they dont stick with the status qu o. They try new things And, as expected, while some of those things work out great others not so much.But thats absolutely OK. Happy and successful people know that, with each failure along the way, the sting lessens just a bit and you begin to realize the importance each failure has for your learning experience. Over time, each failure becomes less of a tragedy and mora of a tool in your toolbox. Understanding how youve missed the mark just makes it easier for you to calibrate for the next shot. How to Make it a RealityTime is the best teacher when it comes to failure, but you can speed up the process with some practice. With every failure, no matter how big or small, embrace your mistakes and do everything you can to understand what can be learned from the experience. If, for example, you bombed a presentation, suck it up and ask your boss to give you honest feedback about where you missed the mark and how you could improve. Then, bite your lip and brace for impact (and maybe read this article on taking feedback seriously- not personally). Hearing the cold hard truth wont be easy, but I promise it will help you fast track your acceptance of failure and open your eyes to the lessons you can learn from each. 2. Theyre ConfidentBeing confident in who you are and what you do goes a long way in helping you feel great about the work you do. When you believe in your own abilities, youre more likely to put your all into a stretch assignment, go after projects that excite you, and forge friendships with others in the office- all of which can provide a big boost to your on-the-job happiness. Plus, showing youre sure of your work and at ease with whatever obstacles may come your way give others the comfort they need to let you operate in your own way. If youve ever had a boss who micromanaged you, youll understand how liberating and rewarding working on your own terms can be. How to Make it a RealityConfidence comes with experience, but thats not the only place it come s from. Even if youre new to a role and have zero experience, you can still exude the confidence that your colleagues need to see to trust you to work with minimal supervision. Start with something you know youre great at- no matter what it is- and find ways to work that into your daily routine in the office. If youre a great writer, for example, take pride in crafting awesome emails or reports. Put your heart into the things you know youll nail. You will feel great about the work youre doing, and your colleagues will recognize you have a special skill and give you the freedom to pursue your other talents as well. 3. They Dont Always Love Their JobsI think the only true unicorn in this story is someone whos loved every job shes ever had. No one loves what they do all the time, and unless youre actually sitting on a pot of gold with a leprechaun by your side, Im willing to bet youll have bad days at work. It happens to all of us. The difference is, people who love what they do know t hat days, weeks, and months come with ebbs and flows. Accepting that things wont be perfect all the time gives you the optimism and emotional space to accept a bad day for what it is and look forward to tomorrow, rather than let it fester and turn into something bigger.How to Make it a RealityMany years ago, a colleague tried to calm me down after a horrifically bad day by telling me, Its not as bad as you feel like it is now. Go home, get some sleep and look at the situation with fresh eyes tomorrow. Itll be better. Guess what? He was right. Bad days happen, but they dont happen every day- if you dont let them. When crummy things happen to us on the job, we can choose to let those things affect us, or we can accept that its just part of the game and look forward to a new day tomorrow. Finding your passion, making loads of money, or working from a laptop from a beach in Thailand all sound like keys to loving what you do, but I guarantee theyll have little effect if you dont have unt erstellung three traits mastered. Myths and legends may be fiction, but loving your career doesnt have to be a fairytale. Keep these three tips in mind, and youll be on your way to a happily ever after career.Photo of bubbles courtesy of Shutterstock.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Why Employers Dont Give Feedback to Candidates

Why Employers Dont Give Feedback to CandidatesWhy Employers Dont Give Feedback to CandidatesThe majority of employers are not legally required to supply job candidates with information about why they were not hired for a job. Exceptions to this may exist when an employer is a governmental agency, covered by civil service requirements, or if the employees have a collective bargaining agreement that outlines the process for promotions or transfers. So, if you are seeking a job in the government or a workplace with a union contract, make sure you understand the rules that pertain to hiring, promotions, job transfers, and other conditions of employment. In these cases, it is best to seek legal advice for what is required in the city, state, or country where you live. Even though feedback is not legally required, if you were not hired for the job after participating in an vorstellungsgesprch process, you can ask for feedback- and its generally a good idea to do so. You might not receive a ny helpful information, but sometimes even generic responses can offer a clue. Why Feedback Is Uncommon Legal concerns and limited time are among the top reasons you might not get feedback if rejected for a job. Many attorneys recommend that employers provide little feedback to job candidates. They are concerned it can be used or misconstrued by the applicant to demonstrate discrimination in the hiring process. Many employers follow this advice and consider it safest to avoid providing any feedback. Beyond legal concerns, time is limited. A form rejection letter still takes staff time to develop and send and providing feedback to a candidate takes additional time. On top of that, most employers want to avoid what can be a difficult phone conversation. They dont want to take additional time coping with a rejected candidate who becomes upset or angry. By the time you find out youve been rejected, hiring managers or human resources have already moved on from you as a candidate, so spending mora time on you is not a priority for them. In addition to a lack of time, most hiring managers want to avoid questions from rejected candidates about how they can improve their resumes or interviewing skills. HR employees know their own hiring practices, but they only can guess what other companies are seeking and dont see themselves as qualified to offer such advice. Feedback That Might Be Provided As a job searcher, you likely are hungry for feedback. The longer theyve been searching for a job, the more desperate you might be to find out why you are not getting the job. An employer who is willing to take the time and can offer constructive, actionable feedback is a welcome gift. Unfortunately, 70 percent of employers surveyed by job recruiter Gerry Crispin in 2012 did not provide feedback to candidates who are not hired. The survey included 100 American companies most admired for their HR practices. Still, several reasons why employers might want to provide feedback to a candidate were cited in the survey They like a candidate and believe they would hire her for the right opportunity in a less competitive recruitment.They want to create an environment of goodwill for the company in which candidates will tell friends and social media positive things about interviewing with them. Reputation plays an important role as talent becomes scarce. The companys reputation as an employer of choice is dependent on how they treat candidates as well as employees.They want a candidate to experience the companys integrity and transparency in its hiring practices so he is less likely to target the firm with a lawsuit.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

New research says 2-page resumes are actually preferred by recruiters

New research says 2-page resumes are actually preferred by recruitersNew research says 2-page resumes are actually preferred by recruitersContrary to conventional wisdom, your resume can, in fact, be longer than a single page, new research from ResumeGo finds. The resume-writing service presented one- and two-page resumes to 482 job recruiters, hiring managers, human resource professionals, and executives and found that they were more than twice as likely to pick the longer resume in a simulated hiring process.Two-page resumes are twice as likely to get chosenOut of the 7,712 resumes that participants preferred in the hiring process, 5,375 of the resumes were two pages long. The preference increased the higher your position you were applying for two-page resumes were 1.4 times more likely to get picked withentry-level jobs and 2.9 times more likely to get picked with managerial roles.Recruiters actually will take the time to get to the second page. The hiring group also spent twice a s much time reading longer resumes, spending aboutfour minutes on two-page resumes, compared with about two minutes on one-page resumes. Its possible that this preference is unbeknownst to the recruiters themselves, who may be unaware of their own tendency of favoring longer resumes, ResumeGo said in a statement.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Objective for a Resume - the Story

Objective for a Resume - the Story Objective for a Resume - Dead or Alive? Though its leid a strict requirement to incorporate a resume objective in your resume, a well-written objective will be able to help you catch the interest of the recruiter. It is possible to read about it here. In the end, stating an objective is optional, but it might help convince employers that you understand what you want and know of the business. What You Dont Know About Objective for a Resume The demand for resume usually arrives when you begin your job searching, or you wish to change your work or you encounter work opening matching your abilities and work experience. If you truly arent qualified for the job, briefly explain as to why you must find the job, and what exactly you will do in order to train yourself and make yourself familiar with the skills required in order to finish the job easily, not require a good deal of training or supervision. Nearly every job would meet with the objectiv e. Youre so ready for your very first job for a phelbotomist Whenever you wish to emphasize that youre ambitious, that you understand what you want in a career, or you have the skills for the particular job, you could benefit from a resume objective. My aim is to find the job. Writing a winning college student career objective is a rather effortless approach to bolster your application for this internship or job youve got in sight. Objective for a Resume - the Story Writing objectives for resumes can be hard. Experience ought to be clearly mentioned as it is going to be a positive point for you. Presentation is vital in resume preparation. Where to Find Objective for a Resume One of the risks of a resume objective is that it is possible to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how youll add value to the firm. There are various designations in the sphere of marketing. Imagine you want to acquire a promotion. So resume objectives will diff er depending on the sector in which you are searching for employment. The Lost Secret of Objective for a Resume The point is quite easy. Youve got to compose the objective in such a manner it shows capabilities in you which are necessary for the specific job. Ensure that in the event that you mean to use a personal objective you ask a buddy to read it to check they understand what it is that youre attempting to communicate. In general, the secret to having your objectives stand out and create the grade is to get good presentation, and fantastic qualification highlights. If you do choose to place your objective on your resume then think about utilizing an approach to objective setting named SMART. An objective is a brief anschauung that clarifies your goals concerning the kind of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. The current objective was geared toward the actual job they originally desired. Focusing on gathering all of the info required to create an excellent objective is a rather important key in resume success. The Pain of Objective for a Resume You might also have a peek at some useful resume keywords to further increase your resume. For instance, if youve ever been in charge of management or human resources be certain to emphasize your qualities and capability to lead the group. In a variety of ways, an objective replaces a lot of the detail you would place in your professional experience section. Objective for a Resume Help Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write as you likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the sort of career youre searching for. A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even if its the case that you do not own a lot of related experience. A superb objective statement can highly boost your probability of finding the job. Possessing a brief statement or overview at the start of your resume is a good wa y to demonstrate your abilities and experience and show the hiring manager the value you will bring to the position. Choosing Objective for a Resume Some personal objectives might be positive turn off to prospective employers, despite the fact that they may be about something youre passionate about. Last but not least, its important to incorporate an objective statement when youre targeting for a certain job, so you could relevantly relate your strengths directly to what the provider needs. Objective for a Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About As soon as its essential for your resume to incorporate a very clear career goal, you dont need to convey it through an Objective section. For instance, it might state some of your previous accomplishments, and move on to the sorts of accomplishments you want to achieve in the future (ideally, accomplishments you need to achieve for the organization youre applying to work for). Sample resume objectives should be applied as referen ces, dependent on which you can make your own resumes. In the majority of cases, a resume objective is merely a couple of sentences long. Also, you must always incorporate the name of the institution in your objective statement to indicate that youre genuinely interested in them. The info within the aim statement may want to get customized based on your industry too. Your objective statement is the very first thing theyll see and read, as its the very first thing on the webpage. Whether you call it an objective statement or private summary, you need to use the peak of your resume to grab the interest of the reader.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

8 Tips to Help You Make a Career Change at Any Age

8 Tips to Help You Make a Career Change at Any Age Starting fresh in a new industry is a challenge for many people for a variety of reasons including, of course, the fact that switching careers often involves at least a temporary reduction in income. After all, you dont have as much experience in your new field as you did in your previous one, so you cant expect to command the same salary.Before making any kind of career change, its a good idea to do some financial planning. Start by creating an emergency entdeckung containing roughly 3-6 months worth of living expenses.Your emergency fund may need tocontain an even larger sum if you anticipate a significant income reduction during your transition. Revisit your budget and identify areas where you can cut expensesto save extramoney.That said, financial adjustments are not the only challenge youll face as you navigate a new profession. You also need to convince prospective employers that youll thrive in the field even though your experience is limited. Toward that end, thoroughly research your target field. Not only will doing so help you identify any new skills or education youll need, but it will also help you acquaint yourself with the terminology of the industry. Youll need to be able to speak the language to sell yourself to recruiters.You may also consider starting a side hustle before you make the leap into a new career. A side hustle can be a good way to build up that emergency fund. If your hustle is related to your target field, it can also be a great way to gain experience you can leverage in your job hunt.Those are all good place to start, but as we all know, career changes are complicated situations. For more advice on preparing for this major shift, check out this infographic from